v11.0.3.4 [Dec 9, 2013]
- 64 bit version
Micro-Cap 11 comes in two varieties, a 32 bit version which can access 3G of RAM and a 64 bit version which can access as much as 192G of RAM. The 192G version can analyze circuits with 10 million components.
- Analysis Worst Case
This analysis mode, finds worst case performance limits for a circuit using RSS, Monte Carlo, and Extreme Value methods.
- Stability Analysis
This type of analysis is used to find the stability limits for linear circuits using either the Tian or Middlebrooke methods.
- Schematic Editor Encryption
Password-protected encryption can now be used on circuit, macro and library files.
- Title Block Editor
A Title Block editor was added that allows multiple fonts, adjustable size, and title block template save and recall for greater ease of use.
- Rich Text Format
An option for RTF text format was added, enabling super and sub-scripting, and font, style, size and color control of individual words within a text block.
- Text Angle
An option was added to allow arbitrary text angles.
- Command Statement Builder
A command statement builder was added to help construct .measure, .warning, .help, and .define statements.
- Schematic Background
Background images, including watermarks, can be added to a schematic.
- Graph Paper Option
Graph Paper was added to the Grid options
- Auto Scale (F6)
An auto scale option was added to the schematic.
- Unconnected Pin Markers
Pins and wires that have no connections can be marked with a special symbol (yellow triangle) that shows possible faulty wiring.
- Bill of Materials Excel File Output
An Excel file can be created from the BOM contents.
- BOM Optional Expand
The define values can optionally be expanded in the BOM, so that .DEFINE RX 3K shows up as 3K and not RX.
- Attribute Dialog Box Disable
The automatic display of the Attribute Dialog box that occurs when you place a component can be eliminated. This is convenient when drawing a general schematic without values.
- Expandable Attribute Dialog Box
This dialog box can now be expanded by dragging the Size grow icon, making viewing large subcircuits easier.
- Dialog Box Location Save
The location of major dialog boxes can be saved, even if they are on different monitors.
- Text Grid Snap
A feature was added to disable or enable grid snap for text.
- Find / Replace Improved
This command was improved to include whole word search and to show the schematic location of the found item behind the dialog box.
- Enable Region Box
An on/off check box was added to the enable region to make it easy to disable/enable the region expression checking.
- Find in Files Command
An All option was added to this command.
- Push-pin Text
Push-pin text can be enabled in the Text dialog box. Placing a mouse over the text displays the text. Otherwise just push pin is shown.
- Embedded Images
Image files in a circuit can now be localized (embedded or saved in the circuit file) making the circuit file more portable.
- Drag and Drop Pictures
Images can be dragged from one application and dropped into a Micro-Cap schematic or analysis plot.
- Info Page Options
Info page content can be chosen from the circuit Properties dialog box (F10).
- Properties Dialog Box Object Colors
The color of each schematic object is displayed beside the item for greater clarity.
- Change Dialog Box
The Change dialog box now shows selected components.
- Measurement and Plotting Performance Functions
An integration operator that integrates a waveform between two X values and a Peak-to-peak operator that measures the peak to peak of a waveform over the simulation run were added.
- Measure Command
The HSPICE .Measure command was added.
- Measurements Window
A measurements window shows the results of .measure and performance functions.
- Measure Library
Common measurement functions using the basic .measure command set. Includes pulse width, frequency, period, overshoot, delay, and power factor.
- FFT Windowing Functions
Extensive set of FFT windowing functions (Rectangular, Cosine, Tukey, Barlett-Hann, Blackman, and many more)
- FFT Window Reference Frequency
- Fourier Integral
An option for computing Fourier spectra using the Fourier integral rather than the FFT was added.
- Fourier Plots
An option for cliping baseline db values and ignoring the phase computation for low db values was added.
- Curve Fitting Utility
This is a linear and polynomial curve fitting utility for analysis plots.
- Ignore Illegal Plots
This is an option to ignore analysis plots that have a disabled or missing part or node, for cases where you want to switch between enabling and disabling circuitry and have the analysis limts plots still be legal.
- More Plot Groups
Up to 19 plots within each plot page can be named and used.
- Adjustable Plot Height
Analysis plots heights can be adjusted by dragging.
- Dynamic AC
Temperature and frequency were added to the text display.
v10.0.9.2 [Jun 29, 2010]
Micro-Cap 10 incorporates many incremental refinements reflecting requests received from users. These and other small, incremental refinements are a big part of what makes the product so easy to use. The technical advancements in MC10 are principally four in number:
Using threading techniques, multiple CPUs are employed to reduce simulation time.
Periodic Steady State uses techniques pioneered by Aprille and Trick to calculate the periodic steady state, removing any short term transients from the time-domain waveforms, greatly simplifying many types of circuit analysis problems.
Two completely new analyses make creation of harmonic and intermodulation distortion plots easy.
Optimization has been improved by the addition of three additional methods. The complete list of methods now includes, Powell, Hooke, Levenberg-Marquardt, and Differential Evolution.
Micro-Cap 10 uses threading for significant speed improvement where multiple CPUs are available. When multiple independent analyses are requested, Micro-Cap uses threading technology to speed up the overall analyses by allocating each sub-analysis to a different CPU. This is most beneficial when stepping temperature or parameters, in Monte Carlo Analysis, and with harmonic and intermodulation distortion analysis.
PSS: Periodic Steady State
This new analysis mode, which finds the time domain periodic steady state waveforms, was added to Transient, Harmonic Distortion, and Intermodulation Distortion. It is executed after the optional operating point and runs in lieu of the normal time domain run. PSS uses a shooting method to eliminate the transients normally encountered to arrive at steady state waveforms.
Harmonic Distortion Analysis
The existing harmonic distortion analysis was greatly expanded to make creation of distortion plots easy. You can step input level and/or frequency and create plots of THD, THDN (with noise), SINAD, SNR, and any harmonic vs VIN, VOUT, PIN, or POUT. Plots can be done as voltage or power ratios in dB, %, or simple numeric format. PSS methods can be used to achive rapid convergence of the output waveforms to minimize FFT errors, producing accurate distortion analysis.
Intermodulation Distortion Analysis
Intermodulation distortion analysis lets you step input level and/or frequency and create plots of IM2, IM3, or H1 (1'st harmonic) vs F, VIN, VOUT, PIN, or POUT. Plots can be done as voltage or power ratios in dB, %, or simple numeric format. PSS methods are also available as in the case of harmonic distortion. You can use SMPTE, CCIF, or DIN standards for input voltage and frequency, or enter your own.
FFT Dialog Box
The FFT panel on the Analysis Properties page (F10) has a new field called Frequency Step. Enter a value here and the an adjustment is made in the Lower Time Limit value and vice versa, according to the formula: Fundamental Frequency = 1 / (Upper Time Limit - Lower Time Limit)
Distortion Plots Waveform Buffer
Distortion plots created in harmonic and intermodulation analyses can be saved and recalled from the Waveform Buffer.
Plot, Save but Don't Plot, Don't Save and Don't Plot buttons
These button options can be selected for each waveform or curve in the Analysis Limits dialog box.
FFT Auto-scaling
FFT auto scaling is now done using the FFT upper and lower time limit parameters.
Branch Values in Plots
This lets you plot expressions that use waveform values from different branches. A branch is a Mont-Carlo case or a stepped value. V(1)@1 - V(1)@2 plots the difference of V(1) between branch 1 and branch 2.
Point Tag Numeric Format
The X and Y numeric formats of point tags are now separately specifiable.
HSPICE Compatibility
A small step toward HSPICE compatibility was taken by allowing '3*V(1)' to mean the same thing as {3*V(1)}.
Save Curves CSV Format:
Curves can now be saved in either CSF or USR formats. CSV stands for Comma Separated Values, the favored format for importing data into Excel. The numeric format for the data can also be specified.
Save Curves Auto Save
This option automatically saves selected waveforms after each run.
Cursor Values in Text Expression
This lets you write analysis expression text using cursor values CursorLX, CursorLY, CursorRX, CursorRY as variables.
Copy Cursor Values to Clipboard
This lets you copy the contents of the cursor table to the clipboard.
Enable / Disable / Hide
By right-clicking in the Page or P (Plot) fields you can enable, hide, or disable curves that use the Page or Plot number. Enable saves the data. Disable does not. Hide stops the plot display but saves the data.
Import and Export of WAV Files
WAV audio files can now be imported and exported allowing one to hear the output of an audio amplifier.
AC Power:
AC power is now calculated as P = V * Conjugate(I)
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